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How to Fit Screen to Monitor Windows 10? Here’s Guide.[SOLVED] Windows 10 Display Too Big – Driver Easy

Jun 23, · Go to your Desktop, right-click your mouse and go to Display settings. To change the resolution settings, scroll down this window and click on Advanced display settings. Choose the Recommended screen resolution for your PC. You can also choose the screen resolution depending on your needs, but I suggest you to have the Recommended settings. May 18, · Step 1: Right-click on the empty space on your desktop and then click the Display settings option in the pop-up menu. Step 2: In the prompted menu, click the arrow icon behind Resolution. Choose the Recommended screen resolution in the drop-down menu. Step 3: Then click Keeps changes to confirm the operation if it pops up. Nov 09, · Select Adjust Desktop Size and Position. On the right side of the menu, you’ll see a bunch of settings. Click on the second monitor (your TV) and make sure the settings look similar to what we have set. Just keep in mind that your resolution and refresh rate may be different depending on the make of your TV.
4 Ways to Change the Screen Resolution in Windows 11 – Discussion Info
go to Advanced Display Settings -> Display adapter properties for display -> List All Modes · Select any lower resolution (e.g. by ) and. Many Windows 10 and 11 PCs have integrated Intel GPU (Graphics Processing Units). Therefore, many users can change resolution settings via the. Open the Windows 10 Start menu and head to Settings > System > Display > Advanced display settings > Display adapter properties for Display 1.