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How to resize background | PC Review

This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site. Delete Old Online Accounts. You can find a version of this tip for the ribbon interface of Excel Excel and later here: Non-Tiled Background Pictures. In these cases, you may want to have only a single copy of the background image appear on-screen.
How to Remove the Background From a Picture in Excel – Question Info
8. You have two options: Resize your image outside Excel before inserting it. Insert it as a normal image (not a background image) and then adjust the transparency so that your data is visible. The VBA method SetBackgroundPicture does not take any parameters other than the image path, so no luck there. 1. How to Reduce the File Size of Images in Microsoft Excel Details: 1. Left-click the image which you want to reduce the file size of, go to Format tab and click Compress Pictures in Adjust group. 2. The Compress Pictures dialog box will appear, check the box of Apply only to this picture if you want to remain other images unchanged. To resize or scale the picture, click the header selection box that contains the picture, click Format Picture in the Header & Footer Elements group, and then, in the Format Picture dialog box, select the options that you want on the Size tab.