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Use the Microsoft Zoom Add-in for Outlook | IT@Cornell

The Plugin allows you to schedule and start instant Zoom meetings, as well as make existing meeting events Zoom meetings. Once the download is complete, run the MSI file and follow the install wizard to complete the installation. You will need to restart Outlook before using the Plugin. If you do not see these in the main ribbon bar, please check to see if they appear after creating a new appointment or calendar event.
Note: You can cancel the Zoom meeting or change the settings of the Zoom meeting in the calendar invitation by selecting the corresponding buttons in the menu. If you do not see the Schedule a meeting icon in the menu ribbon, open your Outlook options. Search Articles.
Select your desired settings in to the Settings window that appears. Video – Host : If you select on, the host’s video will be automatically started when starting the meeting. If you choose off, the host’s video will be off, but they will be able to turn it on. Video – Participant : If you select on, the participant’s video will be automatically started when joining the meeting. If you choose off, the participant’s video will be off, but they will have the option to turn it on.
Zoom Recommendation: if uncertain, leave on Both. Require meeting password : If you would like to require a password for your meeting, enter it here.
Enable join before host : Check if you would like to turn on join before host for your meeting. Read more about Join Before Host.
Mute participants upon entry : Check if you would like new participants to be muted as they join. If not checked, a randomly generated Meeting ID will be used.
Read more about Personal Meeting ID. Recording the meeting automatically : check if you would like the meeting to be recorded automatically. Choose if you would like it recorded locally to your computer or to the cloud if available for your account.
Read more about automatic recording. Alternative hosts : Enter the email addresses of any alternative hosts you like to set for your meeting. They need to be other Pro users on the same Zoom account. Read more about alternative hosts. Save and do not show again : Check this if you would like to use these same settings as a default for other meetings going forward.
The settings window will not pop up and you will need to manually open it to edit the settings. Click Continue. The calendar invitation will automatically generate with the Zoom meeting information. If you have multiple PAC accounts, choose which you would like to schedule with. This will automatically populate an event with your PAC information. Change the date and time and add attendees as needed Click Send.
Select either Schedule A Meeting or Personal Audio Conference to schedule the meeting type of your choice If scheduling a meeting, select your desired settings in the settings window. The invitation will now automatically fill in with the details. If you select Schedule a Meeting, the settings window will appear with additional options. Select your desired settings in the settings window. Missing plugin icon If you do not see the Schedule a meeting icon in the menu ribbon, open your Outlook options.
Select Disabled Items. Choose the Zoom Outlook plug-in Select Enable. Sign in to leave feedback. Blank Blank. Blank Details. Article ID: Recipient s – separate email addresses with a comma. Check out this article I found in the Client Portal knowledge base.
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How to schedule a meeting in outlook with zoom – none:.How to activate Zoom in Outlook to automatically schedule meetings?
How to enable or disable Zoom and Outlook integration · Press Win+R and type gpedit. · Press the Enter button. · Navigate to Zoom General Settings. Schedule an Outlook Calendar Event that Includes a Zoom Meeting · In the Outlook desktop calendar, the Zoom section appears toward the right end. Select Schedule a Meeting in the Outlook calendar Ribbon and choose Schedule a Meeting from the drop-down menu. Step 3. Select applicable.