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How to upgrade zoom from basic to pro for free – how to upgrade zoom from basic to pro for free:

And there’s two sets of features that they were specifically talking about. The first set of features are the features regarding green screen and adding a virtual background. Now, we’ve got a really nice video where we show you how to add a virtual background, a virtual video in the background, or use a green screen to even improve the quality of the virtual background more. Now, a lot of people don’t have all of these options in their version of Zoom and they think, erroneously, that that’s because they have the free version and not the paid version.
In fact, it has nothing to do with it being paid or free. Instead, Zoom actually looks at the capabilities of the hardware that you’re driving your, that you’re having your meeting on.
And if you don’t have enough processing power to properly resolve all the background and key out that background and put the virtual background in as a still or as a video, then Zoom won’t give you the option to do that. It comes down to how much processing power you have, whether or not these options appear.
So that is probably the point where most people have confusion. It’s not whether it’s paid or free. It’s how much horsepower you have on your computer. Okay, let’s do this. I’m gonna launch my free version of Zoom here on my desktop and my paid version here on my notebook computer.
And I’m gonna bring up the windows and I’m gonna compare the two feature-by-feature so that if we’ve missed anything or so you can understand it better, we can go through them here now.
So here we’ve got the paid version, here on my notebook computer. Now, this is an older MacBook Pro. And on my new, very new Mac mini, a very powerful system here, I’ve got the free version running right here. And if we take a look along the bottom, we’ll see that there are a few extra menu options that I have on my paid version which I can explain to you as we go through.
But let’s start with the video story, the business that I was talking about earlier. If I go in and I open my video settings right here, here it is on my free version, and let’s open it as well on the paid version here, we can see that we’ve got all the same settings until we go here. Let’s go into that Virtual Background. Because this is an older MacBook and this MacBook doesn’t have quite as much processing power as my new one and we take a look here, I have the ability to choose a virtual background but they’re all static backgrounds.
I can turn it on and off the green screen, but I’ve got images that I can put in the background. Let’s take a look at my free version which is on a more powerful computer. I go into the Virtual Background and I have the ability to add video backgrounds as well because there’s more processing power here. It’s not always gonna be the free or the paid version. There are other parameters that might determine the features and functions that you have available to you. So that’s number one. Let’s quickly go through a few of the other features that we have here, the most important ones.
Security is of course always important, and almost all of the security features are identical between the two. Here, we have the ability, if we look at the free and the paid version, have the ability to lock meetings once they’ve started, to have the meeting room in place, to turn on and off access to the screen share and the chat and allowing participants to name and rename themselves.
So the privacy settings, as far as security, are identical in both the free and the paid version. As we go along, our screen sharing options are virtually identical. The recording options are going to be different. In the free version, I’m only gonna be able to record to local computer, whereas with the paid version, of course I can record to the cloud or to my local computer.
It’s just not enabled yet. You see, if we go into our Zoom settings, you have to go into your account settings in your browser and you go into your Settings here. If you scroll through, you have access to all of the same settings, virtually, as you do in the paid version. And if I scroll down a little ways, I will get to, somewhere down here, Breakout room. There it is. And you see, it’s just not turned on. If I turn that on, next time I launch a session, it will be available to me there in the menu.
So there we have the same functionality available to me. Now, I’m gonna show you one other thing because this is another place that there’s a difference. When I’m running a meeting, I always like to enable this. Go under the View menu and turn on show and manage participants. Now, there’s only me in the room right now for both of these meetings, so you don’t see a roster of individuals in the meeting, but when you’re actually doing a meeting, this is a great window to have open ’cause you can manage the microphones and the cameras of your participants, and actually get additional feedback from your participants through this if you’re in the paid version.
Here, in the free version, you can see that I can invite new people into the meeting, and this is the same in both, so this is how you create a link to invite people into the meeting. And take a look here, even in the free version, it has, let me open both of them, I’m gonna open the invite in both the free and the paid, oh, the paid one has a few extra options, automatic integrations with email, whereas this is just gonna create a link.
Not quite as functional but it does include a password if you choose to password-protect your meetings, which is very cool, both of them include passwords, so that is there. So they’ve got those little icons that allow them to give you some dynamic interaction during the meeting. That’s a nice feature.
Daripada beberapa aplikasi lain yang serupa, tidak sedikit orang-orang memilih Zoom karena mempunyai fitur gratis yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Selain itu, user interface juga menjadi salah satu keunggulan yang memudahkan para pengguna.
Pada kali ini Hidup Digital akan memberikan beberapa alasan mengapa Anda harus upgrade Zoom beserta cara untuk upgrade. Ketika Anda aktif sebagai peserta pertemuan online, mungkin menggunakan Zoom Basic sudah lebih daripada cukup.
Tetapi jika Anda aktif untuk mengadakan pertemuan virtual seperti pengajar atau CEO maka upgrade menjadi solusi tepat untuk Anda.
Zoom Basic memberikan Anda keuntungan berupa pertemuan gratis selama 40 menit saja. Sedangkan Zoom Pro bisa Anda gunakan lebih dari waktu tersebut. Bahkan versi Pro memungkinkan Anda membuka konferensi lebih dari orang tanpa batasan waktu. Hal ini menjadi alasan penting, terlebih durasi rapat Anda bisa berlangsung selama berjam-jam.
Akan sangat menyebalkan ketika pertemuan virtual Anda harus terputus kemudian harus menyambungkan kembali. Hal terburuk, kolega Anda mungkin menganggap Anda tidak profesional karena batasan 40 menit. Fitur Basic memungkinkan Anda merekam konferensi langsung ke penyimpanan internal Anda. Hal yang umum terjadi yaitu penyimpanan Anda tiba-tiba habis begitu saja.
Selain itu, Anda perlu melakukan backup video konferensi yang mungkin memakan waktu cukup lama. Ketika menggunakan Pro, semua keribetan itu tidak akan terjadi. Akun Zoom Pro mempunyai fitur tambahan berupa penyimpanan cloud sehingga penyimpanan perangkat Anda tetap terjaga. Untuk melihatnya, Anda cukup masuk ke bagian cloud kemudian memutar video kembali tanpa harus mengunduhnya.
Terlebih lagi, lisensi Pro memberikan cloud 1GB yang cukup untuk merekam pertemuan virtual Anda tanpa biaya tambahan. Fitur ini memungkinkan Anda membagikan video secara langsung menggunakan Facebook maupun YouTube. Sehingga ketika audiens tidak mempunyai Zoom masih bisa menyimak konferensi melalui Facebook atau YouTube. Dalam penerapannya, fitur ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menjangkau audiens lebih luas. Access these files in your Zoom portal and easily share a recorded training, all-hands meeting, or other events without first having to upload a large file to a content sharing platform.
Each Pro license comes with 1 GB of cloud recording space at no additional cost. You just need a Pro license to enable streaming in your Zoom settings. You also have access to custom live streaming services to expand your audience reach. Administering your communications solution has never been easier with a paid Zoom license. System admins have more control over managing their end-users and how they interact with our platform.
For instance, admins can remotely provision licenses, remove users from the account, customize notifications, and enable cloud recording.
Site License Zoom request page
Zoom may be used for hosting online classes, meetings, webinars, advising, tutorials, online office hours, connecting with subject-matter experts, group work, and more.
A Zoom user account is needed to schedule, host, or moderate a Zoom meeting. However, an account is not needed to attend a hiw. A limited number of Licensed or “Pro” accounts are available to active UH faculty and staff. Accounts will be monitored periodically to verify usage.
Any unused accounts will reduced to a Basic free account to provide the higher level of Zoom services vor another user. Please note that the maximum number of participants for this account is participants.
Please read through the Zoom Terms and Conditions. Click on the button below to request for a new UH Zoom account. You will be required to log in with the UH Username and password of the account you are requesting a license for UH departmental accounts are accepted. A valid reason for your request will also be needed.
Once submitted, you will receive a response within business days. Please email sladmin hawaii. For any questions regarding Zoom settings, features, and options, please contact uh-zoom-support lists. For free interactive live training sessions from Zoom experts visit the Zoom Live Training Webinars page. Bow issues with your account or the services, contact Zoom Technical Support. For any technical issues on the day of your conference please contact the Video Operations Center at FAQs Where can faculty get assistance in teaching their course online?
Please review Teaching Online During an Emergency. Who is eligible for a UH Zoom Account? All users may sign up for bawic free, “Basic” account directly from Zoom. With Zoom, you can request for an account using a departmental email address. Anyone can request for a free account directly from Zoom.
The free, “Basic” account allows the user frree: host an unlimited number of one-on-one meetings for 40 minutes or less. You can also host group meetings with a maximum of attendees, for a duration of up to 40 minutes. UH has a limited number of “Educational” accounts for Zoom. This type of account gives a user access to an unlimited number of meetings with a maximum of participants. There are no how to upgrade zoom from basic to pro for free – how to upgrade zoom from basic to pro for free: restrictions on the duration of any group meetings with this account.
The UH Zoom accounts do not have these features hoq as they are needed for general university use. Do I need an account to attend a Zoom meeting? No, an Zoom account is not needed to attend a meeting.
Only those that host meetings will need a Zoom account. Are webinars included in the UH Zoom Account? No, the webinar feature is not included with UH Zoom Accounts.
You can however request for temporary access for your event s. This is currently a shared resource and availability is on a first come first served basis. The current capacity for Zoom webinar viewers is limited to or Due to security reasons ITS has blocked, by default, the читать далее for users to live stream their conferences.
To request how to upgrade zoom from basic to pro for free – how to upgrade zoom from basic to pro for free: please contact: uh-zoom-support lists. Is there a Toll-Free number that can be used for meetings? At this time there is no toll-free number. How do I record a Zoom meeting? Is cloud recording available for Zoom?
Otherwise, recordings are saved directly to your local hard drive. At this time, ITS is providing a limited number of accounts to UH faculty, staff and departmental accounts to utilize Zoom’s video conferencing services. A charge-back system may be put in place at a later time, however this has not been determined yet. Users will be notified if a fee is put in place for licensed accounts. Are there UH virtual backgrounds that users can use?
How to upgrade zoom from basic to pro for free – how to upgrade zoom from basic to pro for free:.Zoom Free (Basic) vs. Zoom Pro: Should You Upgrade?
Zoom offers pricing plans to fit your unique needs. Use Zoom for free or explore our Pro and Enterprise-ready packages to learn which one is right for you. How long is a Zoom free meeting? Zoom’s free tier used to allow two participants to stay in a meeting for up to 24 hours. But in May , the. Click on “My Account” in the top-right corner.