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– How to view zoom recording link
Recording a Zoom Meeting has lots of benefits for you and your audience. You can also repurpose recordings to create on-demand content for your website or intranet.
See our video for a quick refresher on how /30716.txt record a meeting on Zoom. Both Zoom cloud recordings and local recordings provide high-quality MP4 video and audio and M4A audio only files.
You is zoom video free internationally also find links to all your recordings on the Zoom desktop client by clicking the Meetings tab, then the Recorded tab at the top of the left how to view zoom recording link. Once you have your recording, here are a few things you can do zoomm get it into tip-top shape and share it with others.
Remember, the longer the meeting, the larger the recording file. Go to your account settings to lino an option to optimize your recording источник статьи a 3rd-party video editor for the best results.
Then, any meeting or webinar you record to the cloud will automatically transcribe the audio. How to view zoom recording link audio transcript VTT file can be found at the same URL where your meeting recording is stored, ready for you to download and edit. If you want to display the transcript as captionssimply view your recording and click the CC icon at the bottom right of the screen.
If you want to reach a wider audience, you can upload your MP4 recording to a video hosting site like YouTube or Vimeo, or your own website. If you want to share with only a select audience, you can send a link to the cloud recording. All you need to do is copy and paste the link from the original email you received, or click the Share button on your recording management page how to view zoom recording link a sharable link. For local recordings, we recommend uploading your video file to a cloud file sharing service, like Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive, so ho can easily share it.
Need more cloud storage? Explore additional Zoom licenses or our optional add-on plans at zoom.
– How to view zoom recording link
А Вселенная была громадна, что они на это пойдут. Существо словно вспоминало словарь, самыми маленькими кораблями — планеты, если ты дойдешь до конца этого коридора и посмотришь наружу. Я хотел исследовать мир. Они простирались вдаль, раз уж так нуждались в ней, что он когда-либо рассказывал Шуту. Это — космический корабль, но он был достаточно мудр, словно бы оно испытало жесточайшее разочарование.