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How to use Zoom: 10 tips and tricks for better video meetings
Zoom provides an excellent FAQ. For more Johns Hopkins-specific questions, see below:. Q: How do I get a Zoom account? Q: What is the difference between a Basic and a Licensed account? A: Basic: A Basic user is user without a paid license. While a Basic user can host meetings with up to participants, if 3 or more participants join, the meeting will time out after 40 minutes.
They cannot utilize user and account add-ons such as large meeting, webinar, or conference room connector. Licensed: A Licensed formerly known as Pro user is a paid account user who can host unlimited meetings on the public cloud.
By ссылка на страницу, they can host meetings with up to participants and large meeting licenses are available for additional capacity. How do I change my cost center? Q: How do I cancel my subscription? A: There are two ways to cancel your subscription. You can downgrade your account from Licensed to Basic, or you can deactivate your account. Q: Are service accounts available? A: The use of service accounts are considered on a case-by-case basis. Q: Can my team share a Zoom account?
We suggest testing out the Join Before Host or Alternative Host features to allow participants to join without you! Q: Is there a minimum or maximum on how many accounts we can автору. how can i zoom my laptop screen мимо A: Anyone, enterprise-wide, with a valid cost center should be eligible for a Licensed Zoom account!
Students will automatically obtain a Licensed Zoom account upon logging in for the first time. Users, however, have no administrative privileges. Q: What audio options do I have through Zoom? A: Please see Audio Options. Q: Unable to dial into the toll-based Conference lines or getting a busy signal? If you need to dial-in to a meeting and receive a busy signal, please try an alternative dial-in number. Included below is a list of US toll-based dial-in numbers that you can select from:.
You must have a Licensed account to request this add-on. Q: Do all meeting participants need to have Premium Audio to access the toll-free numbers? A: No, only the host needs Premium Audio. Q: Does Premium Audio need to be enabled for every meeting I host? A: No, Premium Audio can be configured to be included on a meeting-by-meeting basis. It can also be configured to be included for all future meetings.
For more details, refer to the Premium Audio Settings page. Zoom has replaced Adobe Connect. Q: How do I dial toll free? This feature can be added at additional cost through the IT Service Catalog. A: No, there is no associated нажмите чтобы увидеть больше. Where is their record?
Q: How do I install the desktop client? A: See our desktop client setup guide. Q: Where can I find Johns Hopkins virtual backgrounds? A: Under the U. A: No. This is prohibited without written consent from the patient. Q: Does enabling Join Before Host allow meeting participants to start without the host actually being present? A: Meeting participants will be able to talk, but the host is required for many meeting controls, such as screen-sharing and recording.
See Join Before Host for more details. Q: Can I host concurrent meetings? A: Licensed users can host two meetings at the same time. Both meetings must be started by the original host.
Q: What is an Alternative Host? This will allow the other user to start and host the meeting in your stead. Q: What is the Scheduling Privilege? This will allow the other user to schedule meetings on your behalf. Q: Are there any recommended best practices when hosting a meeting? A: See below for before and during meeting best practices. Q: Do I need a Licensed account to join meetings?
A: Joining a meeting is free with Zoom. Q: Do users joining a meeting need to download the Zoom client? A: While we recommend using the desktop client for the best in-meeting experience, it is not required to join a meeting as you can join directly from a browser. Q: Is Live Transcription free? At this time, Live Transcription is not available for Breakout Rooms. Can I edit this? A: Yes. If you save a copy of the transcript, you what speed is needed for zoom meeting edit the.
What does this mean? Q: How do I log into the desktop client? A: Please see Zoom Desktop Client for instructions on logging in. Q: How do I log into the mobile app? A: Please see Zoom Mobile Application for instructions on logging how do i upgrade my zoom from basic to professional for free – how do i upgrade my zoom from basic t. Q: If an how do i upgrade my zoom from basic to professional for free – how do i upgrade my zoom from basic t shares a PowerPoint slide show which would be full screenis the zoom toolbar still accessible or would the instructor have to exit out of the slideshow to access the toolbar?
Q: When I schedule a meeting it makes an arbitrary meeting name. How do I get it to reflect my customized link? A: The customized meeting link only applies to your моему zoom webinar vs zoom meetings – zoom webinar vs zoom meetings: конечно meeting room or PMI.
If you want to schedule a meeting that uses your PMI, then you can use the personalized meeting link. You may want to review the previous link and also this link for other options when scheduling a meeting. You may see a message источник статьи you try to sign in to Zoom before joining the meeting.
How do i upgrade my zoom from basic to professional for free – how do i upgrade my zoom from basic t No, panelists can be invited to participate in the webinar using only their name and an email address, a Zoom account is not required. Q: If I assign an alternative host to my webinar, do they need to have the webinar license add-on as well?
A: No, alternative hosts do NOT need to have the webinar license to be assigned. However, they will need to be Licensed user cannot assign Basic users. Q: Is it possible to allow a participant non-panelist or attendee to speak?
Q: If my webinar is going to run over the scheduled time, will it end automatically? A: No, your webinar will remain active and in-session until you end it. The time and duration is more for scheduling purposes. Q: If I need to upgrade to a larger size webinar license to accommodate more attendees and I already have a webinar scheduled with confirmed registrations, do I need to cancel and create a new webinar?
A: No, do not cancel the webinar. Please contact zoom jhu. Q: Can panelists use the Virtual Background feature? However, they must have either the desktop посетить страницу источник or mobile app installed to select a background. A: No, attendees are kept anonymous.
Q: How long will my recordings be saved in the Cloud? A: Cloud Recordings are automatically deleted after days. You will need to download them locally before they are automatically deleted if you wish to retain a copy. Zoom will send you a reminder email before the deletion occurs. Q: Can a meeting be recorded without the host? A: By default, only the host can initiate a Local Recording.
If another participant would like to record, the host will need to provide permission to that participant during the meeting. The host will need to join the meeting to give the other participant recording permission, or set the participant up as an Alternative Host.
Zoom Pricing Guide — Is it worth paying for Zoom? | .
Learn Zoom basics and explore UB-specific topics like integrating Zoom I receive warnings to “upgrade my license” and that I have a “40 minute limit. The best video conferencing apps can do more than merely enable a virtual face-to-face meeting. Free account holders don’t have access to the Zoom API.